
12 November 2011

Mathematicians Calculate 10 Trillion Digits of Pi With Xeons

For the first time mathematicians were able to calculate the Pi constant with 10 trillion decimal digits.
Ten trillion would represent a 1 with 13 zeros. If you were to print that number on paper, you would need about 2.87 billion sheets, based on a standard configuration of about 3500 digits per sheet. Such a stack of paper would reach a height of 21.4 miles.
According to an unofficial announcement the calculation of the 10 trillion digits, it took 371 days and an additional 45 hours to verify on a system equipped with two Intel Xeon X5680 processors, 96 GB of memory and 24 2 TB hard drives. Only the first 5 trillion are offered for download as decimals via five separate downloads totaling 1.91 TB at this time.
The record of 10 trillion records doubles the previous record of 5 trillion digits, which was posted in August of this year.